Wednesday, February 18, 2009

User Generated Content Crossing Over

I was watching TV the other night, channel surfing course. I stopped on a grainy, unknown network 'Current_' and remembered hearing about this channel (launched with the backing of presidential hopeful and environmental champion Al Gore, back in 2005) in the past but never payed close attention to it. But this night what sparked my interest was a viewing segment 'VC2' which expanded means 'viewer created content.' It was obvious at a first glance that this wasn't network quality production, but instead clips, pods and even commercials of which is mostly user generated content; there was even a Chase Bank commercial that was created and produced by an Indie. Although I'm quite late, I still find it very interesting that user generated content is beginning to crossover platforms from the web on to mediums such as Television. Something to pay close attention to as our attentions spans collapse and our desires to interact and engage with our media increases. This is TV we can contribute to, and in the end isn't that what we all desire.. more autonomy? I'll monitor this new channel 'Current_' and see how this develops. The video below is a taste of what you could find.

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